Support Community Science!

To keep our programs FREE, and bring science to as as many interested learners as possible, please consider supporting our program in whatever way you can. Not everyone has access to the inspiration and resources that spark and sustain a love of science, but together we can change that! Your support can make a phenomenal difference in the lives of children.

Your donation provides general operating support for the Pittsburgh Community Science Workshop. We are resourceful, and a little bit of funding can go a long way!

$25 of parts, combined with free and salvaged materials, provides a volunteer-built exhibit like this water vapor physics tornado
$50 buys enough bulk hobby motors for 42 children to build a dream contraption (motor boat, fan-powered car, vacuum, art bot, mini hovercraft)
$150 supports a teen intern for a month, providing valuable work experience and near-peer mentoring for younger kids at the workshop

Pittsburgh Community Science Workshop  is a registered 501 (c)3 US Tax Exempt nonprofit corporation, incorporated in Pennsylvania, and designated by the IRS as a charitable organization. Your gift is tax-deductable to the full extent of the law.